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Jeremy Shorbe<\/strong> has enjoyed a wide variety of legal experience since starting his practice of law in 2009. He started in criminal prosecution with the Arizona Attorney General\u2019s Office (\u201cAZAG\u201d), Border Crimes Enforcement Unit, raising wiretaps as well as assisting in investigations and prosecuting international criminal offenses over the U.S. Border. In 2011, Jeremy moved to the AZAG Consumer Protection and Advocacy Division, Consumer Litigation Unit, where Jeremy investigated and prosecuted civil violations of Arizona\u2019s Consumer Fraud Act. Jeremy\u2019s work protected Arizona consumers from fraudulent market actors.<\/p>\n
The AZAG selected Jeremy to represent the State of Arizona in its second largest
\ninvestigation and settlement in Arizona history called the National Mortgage Settlement (\u201cNMS\u201d): a $25,000,000,000.00 settlement resulting from a multi-state investigation into foreclosure abuses against the Country\u2019s largest mortgage servicers. This line of Jeremy\u2019s cases brought over $3,300,000,000.00 in consumer relief, mortgage assistance programs, and cash payments to the people of Arizona.<\/p>\n
In 2017, Jeremy moved into the private sector and focused his practice on real estate, eminent domain, business law, commercial, and construction law. This experience often put Jeremy on the \u201cother side of the table\u201d from government agencies to vindicate the varied rights of private citizens navigating Arizona\u2019s legal system. Jeremy has helped clients in Arizona\u2019s smallest courts all the way up to cases before the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals to obtain relief totaling tens of millions of dollars over.<\/p>\n
Jeremy\u2019s diverse experience representing government, representing citizens and
\nbusinesses, prosecuting criminal cases and litigating civil cases, protecting Arizonans from consumers fraud in its array of forms, built Jeremy\u2019s practice into one that can move fluidly into new areas of law, with flexibility, creativity, professionalism, and integrity. Jeremy is committed to achieving maximum efficacy for his clients with a personable, ethical, and experienced history.<\/p>\n
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